Mexican cuisine in Cancun: 5 popular dishes

Mexican cuisine in Cancun is one of the biggest attractions. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, better known by its acronym in English: UNESCO, considers Mexican cuisine as an “intangible cultural heritage of humanity.”

If you add to this the beautiful maritime landscapes of Cancun, then you will have a whole experience in terms of Mexican cuisine in the Yucatan Peninsula.

And who doesn’t want to enjoy an exquisite traditional Mexican dish, while the sea wind manages to envelop us in the delicious smells of Mexican cuisine? A little piece of the Mayan heritage to taste.

Visiting the Yucatan Peninsula, visiting Cancun; means entering into a whole culinary experience, not only for its spices and mix of flavors and textures, but for the vast expanse of chefs, from all over the world, that this little corner of Mexico brings together.

However, Cancun is not just about beaches, hotels, parties, and excessive luxury. Cancun is synonymous with Mexican cuisine, in one of its many regional variants. Therefore, below we present a little of the delicious Mexican cuisine in Cancun.

gastronomia mexicana

How to get to authentic Mexican cuisine in Cancun.

The food in the hotels, in the restaurants; the food at the buffet… It’s fine, but with all due respect to the distinguished chefs: It’s not exactly authentic Mexican cuisine that you can enjoy in these places (although there are exceptions).

Now, if you want to taste real Mexican dishes, those inherited from your ancestors, then going to the very center of Cancun is the best option. Mexican cuisine in Cancun is the flag of the place and it is fair and necessary to try any delicacy.

Sometimes the best experience comes in a slightly more rustic and bustling package.

In an era of so much globalization and mixing, it seems essential to protect that which makes us part of something. In this case, Mexican cuisine in Cancun is a way to treasure the Mayan heritage in a sublime bite.

Market 23 Cancún.

Here you will not only find fruit, vegetables, meat and fresh bread; you will also find yourself in the “food court”, a place that you definitely cannot miss.

Be sure to order: sopes, tacos, and panuchos. You will find delicious Yucatecan Mexican cuisine in this market.

If you really want to enjoy Mexican cuisine in Cancun, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit this place and taste typical dishes.

Las Palapas Park, true Mexican cuisine.

At night, and without the stress of the market, Las Palapas Park is another excellent option to get to traditional Mexican cuisine in Cancun. How?

You can’t miss out on trying tacos filled with jalapeños, rice, beans… Also, you must order esquites; you can’t deprive your palate of this “snack” of Mexican cuisine, especially when you’re in Cancun.

And last but not least: Dessert. The community’s favorite is a delicious marquesita, which can be filled with Nutella, fruit or jam (depending on your tastes); as long as you know where to look.

5 must-try dishes in Mexican cuisine. 

Cochinita Pibil.

Have you ever tried pork baked underground? Because that’s what you will do when you try Cochinita Pibil!

The pork is marinated with orange juice, achiote, cumin, garlic, salt and pepper; then wrapped in banana leaves.

A dish worthy of Mexican cuisine, for a lunch in the Riviera Maya; accompanied by tortillas, habanero chili, lemon and red onion.

gastronomia mexicana Cochinita Pibil


If you want to try a real panucho in the best style of Mexican cuisine, served in Cancun; you must try one filled with the stew of your choice (either chicken, beef or pork), as well as lettuce, red onion, avocado and tomato.

All served on a corn tortilla and refried beans.

Lime soup.

Lime soup. It is a dish that dates back to the time of the conquest. Another cultural treasure within the Mexican gastronomy in Cancun.

It is prepared with shredded chicken, cilantro, bell pepper, spices from the region, and of course, with lime juice; the refreshing and citrus touch of the dish.

El Tikin Xic.

Also known as Mayan barbecue fish.

For experts, this should be one of the first dishes you should put in your mouth, to begin enjoying the tour of Mexican gastronomy in Cancun.

Its success is based on mixing the flavor of fish, achiote, and sour orange; and for a better tasting, it is usually presented in the same banana leaf in which it was cooked, accompanied by lemon, red onion and rice.

Fish tacos.

For many, it may not be a dish of Mexican cuisine per se, but you cannot leave Cancun without having tried a delicious grilled and breaded fish taco!

tacos de pescado gastronomia mexicana

You can also find them stuffed with shrimp, as well as being accompanied by the essential onion, salt to taste, lemon, habanero; and all those unmissable and delicious extras in Mexican cuisine in Cancun.

The most delicious flavors of Mexican cuisine in Cancun combined with the flavors of the sea and the beach.

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